Voices of Media Literacy: International Pioneers Speak : Barry Duncan Interview Transcript

…the notion of “representation.” That is the central concept of media literacy. Because it is how we are represented and how we represent ourselves, or re-present ourselves. And that notion is being propelled through the decades -- through the '60s to today -- and it is central that how well we talk about representation largely determines the nature of how GOOD our media literacy is. So, representation, the core principles -- what we in Canada call the Key Concepts – by having those key notions, which often are turned into questions -- that has kept us on track. And depending upon how well you do those things or have answers for some of those questions, that really determines how effective media literacy is in your school or in your community.
Barry Duncan is an award-winning teacher, author, media consultant and founder and past president of the Ontario based Association for Media Literacy.  Officially “retired,” he continues to teach part time at York University and the University of Toronto in the Additional Qualifications course on Media Studies. He continues to produce "Barry's Bulletin," a media education newsletter, for the Media-Awareness Network.
Selected Questions:
Describe how you became involved in media education?
Where was that? Where did you study under him (Marshall McLuhan)?
What school was that?
Can you tell me a little bit about how you included it into your teaching?
Did you have your students produce media?
What were your overall goals in education or personally in terms of media education?
After teaching, or during your teaching, were there other organizations that you became a part of?
And this guide focused on the Key Concepts? Were there lesson plans?
Does this Guide still exist in some form?
Major milestones in terms of your journey?
Do you feel that you were one of the few studying under him, that you were one of the first to adapt his ideas into the classroom?
How far do you think the field has come? Is it moving in the direction that you think is best?
Where do you see media literacy fit in terms of the school day?

For complete text of interview go to PDF.